OCBT Campus Courses
Explore degrees, diplomas and certificate courses offered by various institutions in Sri Lanka.
Higher Diploma in Interior Design
OCBT Campus
Interior design is all about how we experience spaces. It's a powerful, essential part of our daily lives and affects how we live, work, play, and even heal. Comfortable homes, functional workplaces, beautiful public spaces - that's interior design at work.
12 months long
Certificate in Interior Design
OCBT Campus
Projects are themed around research into color, drawing, communication skills, and historical and contemporary style. You'll go on to develop a deeper understanding of commercial and residential buildings, spatial layout, furnishings and decorative treatments, and documentation.
3 - 6 months long
Diploma in Interior Design
OCBT Campus
Projects are themed around research into color, drawing, communication skills, and historical and contemporary style. You'll go on to develop a deeper understanding of commercial and residential buildings, spatial layout, furnishings and decorative treatments, and documentation.
12 - 18 months long
University Foundation - Information Technology
OCBT Campus
Diploma in Information Technology covers project planning to decision making process of information systems according to related business strategies.
6 months long
University Foundation - Hospitality Management
OCBT Campus
Diploma in Hospitality Management provides insights into today’s emerging Global Hospitality & Tourism industry. This qualification can add value to make you a major contributor in this growing arena with advanced know-how of hospitality management.
6 months long
University Foundation - Human Resource Management
OCBT Campus
Diploma in Human Resource Management provides wide range of knowledge on HRM concepts allowing you to achieve in-depth understanding of the fast developing field.
6 months long
University Foundation - Marketing Management
OCBT Campus
Diploma in Marketing provides the opportunity to gain advanced knowledge of marketing management in practice. The diploma prepares candidates with strategic and analytical marketing skills and knowledge.
6 months long
Diploma in Human Resource Management
OCBT Campus
Diploma in Human Resource Management provides wide range of knowledge on HRM concepts allowing you to achieve in-depth understanding of the fast developing field.
3 months long
Diploma in Marketing Management
OCBT Campus
Diploma in Marketing provides the opportunity to gain advanced knowledge of marketing management in practice. The diploma prepares candidates with strategic and analytical marketing skills and knowledge.
3 months long
Diploma in Hospitality Management
OCBT Campus
Diploma in Hospitality Management provides insights into today's emerging Global Hospitality & Tourism industry. This qualification can add value to make you a major contributor in this growing arena with advanced know-how of hospitality management.
3 months long
Level 04 Diploma in Business Management
OCBT Campus
Level 4 Diploma in Business Management aims to offer students the opportunity to gain a solid foundation in essential business knowledge and skills.
6 months long
Level 05 Diploma in Business Management
OCBT Campus
The Diploma includes 5 business units covering essential business areas with a real life business project for the students to put the knowledge acquired in to practice.
6 months long
Level 06 Diploma in Business Management
OCBT Campus
Higher Diploma in Business Management aims to produce graduates with the skills and knowledge to work in middle management roles in a variety of public and private institutions.
6 months long
Higher Diploma in Business Management
OCBT Campus
Higher Diploma in Business Management aims to produce graduates with the skills and knowledge to work in middle management roles in a variety of public and private institutions.
15 months long
Advanced Certificate in Business Management
OCBT Campus
The certificate includes 5 business units covering essential business areas with a real life business project for the students to put the knowledge acquired in to practice.
3 months long